Adam is the founder of Adam Tarnow & Company, a consulting firm focused on leadership development. He is the host of The BetterMan Podcast and the co-host of How to Lead with Clay. Adam loves baseball and golf, but other than that, he generally prefers to be indoors.
He’s been married since 2003, has two boys and one dog. He’s a graduate of Clemson University, he received a Ducktorate from Disney University (yes, this is a real thing, but no, it’s not that big of a deal), and he’s also a recovering CPA.
Meet the Hosts
A podcast designed to help you unleash influence, wherever you are. Practical tools for your leadership journey.
Clay helps leaders become better people and better employees (in that order). After writing a few modestly successful leadership books and working his way through many organizational levels, he’s learned a few things about the challenge of authority deprivation and what it takes to sustainably keep the right people in the right seat on the bus.
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